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Pastor’s Studies - Topically Arranged

Arranged By Topic

Copyright © 2000 - 2024 Berean Bible Church

These Biblical Studies are authored by Pastor Kelly Sensenig. They are available for download to your computer (Adobe format). Our only request is that you honor the author's years of research and the fruits of his labor by not duplicating these Biblical studies without giving the pastor of this assembly proper credit. May the Lord use these studies to enhance the spiritual understanding, wisdom, discernment, holiness, and growth of God's people in these last days. (Berean Bible Church)

Butchering Babies for Medical Advancement & Science

Charismatics, the Book of Acts, and Sign Gifts
The Bridge in the Book of Acts

Did a Pre-Adamic Race Exist on Earth?

Alcohol and Social Drinking (The Burden of a Mother - Proverbs 31)
Deliverance for Alcoholics (The Road to Recovery)

A Constitutional Republic, Marxism, and Biblical Submission to Authority
America in Bible Prophecy
Cancel Culture and Christianity
Certainties During Uncertain Times
In Times Like These (Socialism and America’s Future)
Is America the Babylon of Bible Prophecy?
Is God Judging America?
Freedom is Never Free
The Decline of America ("Why Is America Going to the Dogs?")
The Red Line of the Government
When They Come To Take Away Our Guns (A Christian Response to Totalitarian Governments)
Why Should America Support Israel?
The Sons of God - What Really Happened Before the Flood?
What About the Angels? (A Comprehensive Study on Angels)
What About UFO’s

His Deadly Wound Was Healed (Revelation 13:3)
The Identity of the Antichrist 

Consider the Lilies - (The Cure for Anxiety - Matt. 6:24-34)

Do All Religions Lead to God? (A Study on Pluralism)
Evolution - Science or Fairytale?
How Do We Known God Exists?
Why Do We Accept the Bible Over Other Ancient Documents?

Apostasy and Salvation (2 Peter 2:18-22)
Christians, Apostasy & Apostates (According to Free Grace Teaching, Reformed Theology, and Biblical truth)
Redefining the Gospel (2 Corinthians 11:4)
The Meaning of Depature in 2 Thessalonians 2:3

The Arab Story

A Proposed Chronology of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ

Blood Moons & the Bible

Babylon (Its Significant Role as a City and System in the End Times)
Is America the Babylon of Bible Prophecy?

Why Do God’s People Backslide?

Baptism: Its Points, Purposes, Procedure, and Policy
Baptism and The Great Commission
Baptism by Immersion (Pictures Included)
Baptizing Children and the Covenant of Grace (A Response to Reformed
Preachers on the Radio)

Does Baptism Save Us? (Misunderstood Passages Dealing With Baptism)
My Baptism Questions (Baptism Questions for New Converts)
Pentecost, Baptism and Church Membership

The Blood of Baptists (Losing the Trail) - Some Brief Comments on the
Baptist Trail of Blood Theory

Beck, Glenn
Is Glenn Beck Saved?

Bema, Seat
Loving His Appearing (2 Timothy 4:8)
The Bema and the Blessing of the New Covenant (Remembering Our Sins No More)
The Final Examination (A Study of the Judgment Seat of Christ)
Will Christians Be Judged for Their Sins at the Judgment Seat of Christ?

Another Battle for the Bible (The Debate Over Inerrancy)
Bibliology (Doctrine of the Bible)
Inspiration, Fundamentalism, and Your Bible
The Bible Stands
The King James Version versus Other Bible Translation (A Positional Statement on the Authorized Version)
Two Rivers of Greek Manuscripts
Why Do We Accept the Bible Over Other Ancient Documents?
Why I Still Use the King James Bible (In Layman’s Terms)

Blood, Christ’s
Is the Blood of Christ in Heaven?
The Blood Will Never Lose It’s Power (An Exposition on the Blood of Christ)
When I See the Blood (Exodus 12:13)

Body, Human
The Resurrection and Transformation of the Human Body
What About Body Piercing?

A Summary on Election and Free Will
Amillennialism (Replacement Theology)
Election and Free Will - Mystery or Misunderstood? (An In-Depth Study of The Doctrine of Election)
Election for Dummies
Election, Foreknowledge & Free Will
God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will (A Muscle-Bound God?)
Spiritual Death, Annihilation, and the Calvinistic Corpse
The Errors of Reformed Theology (What Presbyterian and Reformed Churches Really Believe)

Cancer and the Christian Life

What About Cards?

The Carnal Man

Catholicism, Roman
10 Ways Catholic's View Their Salvation
A Synopsis of Catholic Salvation
Should the Pope Change the Lord's Prayer?

Changes in Life

Charismatics, the Book of Acts, and Sign Gifts
Is Healing in the Atonement?
Oil and Spiritual Healing From the Effects of Sin (James 5)
Rebuking or Resisting the Devil? (A Short Summary)
Should We Raise Our Hands During Worship?
Should We Use Oil for Healing Today?
Sign Gifts
Ten Reasons Why I Don’t Anoint with Oil in Church Ministry
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues
(A comprehensive study of the meaning of Spirit baptism and speaking in tongues)
The Cessation and Disappearance of the Temporary Gifts
The Errors of Oneness Pentecostals

Baptizing Children and the Covenant of Grace (A Response to Reformed Preachers on the Radio)
Becoming Like Little Children
Leading Children to Christ (Some Practical Pointers for Christian Workers)

Christ, Appearances
The Three Appearances of Christ (Hebrews 9:24-28)

Christ, Ascension
Christ's Ascension
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Between Christ’s Death and Resurrection - Eph. 4:8)
The Keys of Hades and Death (Revelation 1:18; Hebrews 2:14)
The Three Appearances of Christ (Hebrews 9:24-28)

Christ, Birth
A Lesson From a Manger (Luke 2:11-12)
Comments on the Virgin Birth of Christ
The Birth of Jesus Christ (Luke 2:1-20)

Christ, Blood
Is the Blood of Christ in Heaven?
The Blood Will Never Lose It’s Power (An Exposition on the Blood of Christ)
When I See the Blood (Exodus 12:13)

Christ, Coming
A Proposed Chronology of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ
Jesus Is Coming Again (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
The Blessed Hope
The Rapture
The Timing and Teaching of the Second Coming
The Second Coming and Reversal of the Rapture
The  Secret Coming and the Revelation of the Rapture
The Three Appearances of Christ (Hebrews 9:24-28)

Christ, Death
A Lesson on Dying (Luke 23:46; John 19:30)
A Lesson on Family Relationships (John 19:26-27)
A Lesson on Finishing Well (John 19:30)
A Lesson on Forgiveness (Luke 23:34)
A Lesson on Humanity (John 19:28)
A Lesson on Loneliness (Matthew 27:46)
A Lesson on Salvation (Luke 23:39-43)
Did Jesus Suffer Spiritual Contamination on the Cross?
On What Day Was Christ Crucified?
The Cross of Jesus Christ
The Crucifixion Question Revisited (A Synopsis of the Wednesday Crucifixion of Christ)
The Blood Will Never Lose It’s Power (An Exposition on the Blood of Christ)
The Lamb
The Sufficiency of Christ
The Three Appearances of Christ (Hebrews 9:24-28)
To Think He Died For Me!
When I See the Blood (Exodus 12:13)
Who Killed Jesus?

Christ, Deity
Misunderstood Titles of Christ
(Begotten, Firstborn of Every Creature, Firstborn from the Dead, Firstborn Among Many Brethren, and Beginning of the Creation of God)
When Did Jesus Know He was God?

Christ, Impeccability
Could Jesus Sin? (A Defense of the Impeccability of Christ)

Christ, Incarnation
A Lesson on Humanity (John 19:28)
The Night Before Christmas

Christ, Resurrection
In Court with the Resurrection
April Fool's and the Resurrection
Because He Lives (John 11:25-26)
What If Christ Had Not Risen From the Dead?
Why Did Christ Rise from the Dead?

Christ, Sufficiency
The Sufficiency of Christ

Christian Living
50 Reasons Why a Christian Should Live the Christian Life
A Lesson on Forgiveness (Luke 23:34)
A Lesson on Loneliness (Matthew 27:46)
A Living Sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2)
A Triple Duty (James 1:19)
Are You Spiritual?(Ephesians 5:18-25)
Balancing the Christian Life
Becoming Like Little Children
Be Still and Know That I Am God (Psalm 46:10)
Bible Questions For Christian Conduct & Activities
Bitter Spirits, Bad Attitudes and Bossy Wives
Cancer and the Christian Life
Changes in Life
Conquering Depression
Conquering the Fears of Life
Consider the Lilies - (The Cure for Anxiety - Matt. 6:24-34)
Contentment in Life
Culture and the Christian Life
Eagles Wings (Isaiah 4:26-31)
Even the Youths Shall Faint (Isaiah 40:30) - A Message for the Present Generation of Young People
Excuses (Luke 14:18-20)
Eternal Things
God’s Guidance (Proverbs 3:5-6)
God's Master Plan for Victory (A Manual for Victorious Christian Living)
God’s Purpose for Your Life (Romans 8:28-30)
God's Unfailing Purpose (Romans 8:26-30)
God’s Wisdom Concerning Tomorrow
Grace for the Race
How Can I Make the Right Decision?
How Do You Get Ready For Church?
How Should a Christian Dress?
In Everything Give Thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
It's Always Too Soon to Quit (1 Chronicles 28:20)
Life’s Greatest Hour (Isaiah 6:1-8)
Marriages that Make It (Premarital Counseling Study)
Never Say Goodbye (The Hope of Seeing our Loved Ones Again)
Overcoming Grief
Prayer and the Christian Life
Position, Union, and Identification With Christ (Defining the Terms)
Probing Proverbs into a Man's Life
Probing Proverbs into a Woman’s Life (The Indiscreet, Irritating, and  Irrational Woman)
Real Discipleship
Right Thinking (Philippians 4:8)
Seven Reasons to Keep Looking Up!
Spiritual Growth
Spiritual Intimacy With God
Spiritual Refreshment 
Striving for Excellence (Philippians 1:9-11)
Ten Practical Points and Prayers for Victory Over Temptation
The Armor of God and Victory (A Concise Treatment)
The Loving Mother (An Exposition of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
Tips For Knowing God’s Will
Finding a Virtuous Woman (Proverbs 31)
The Christian Armor (An Exposition of Ephesians 6:10-18)
The Cure for Fear (Isaiah 41:10)
The Evolution of Sin (Genesis 3:1-7)
The Glory of a Woman
The Need for Vision
The Secret Place (God's Peace)
The Simple Life (A Tribute to the Ministry of Dr. Wendell Heller)
The Spiritual Man
The Sufficiency of Christ
Union and Victory
Victorious Christian Living (A Study Based on Romans 6)
Victory Through Identification with Christ
What Does God Require? (Micah 6:8)
What to Wear to War (Ephesians 6:10-18)
What Is Most Important in Life? (Genesis 15:1)
When a Man Gets Right With God - Confession, Cleansing, Consecration
(A Study of Psalm 51)
When a Man Loves a Woman (Ephesians 5:25-33)
Why Do God's People Backslide?

A Lesson From a Manger (Luke 2:11-12)
Christmas and God’s Presence (Short Devotional)
Christmas, Christ, and the Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6)
Don’t Be Afraid - Christmas is Here!
From Christmas to Calvary
From the Manger to the Millennium (Isaiah 9:6)
God’s Good Will and Peace (Luke 2:13-14)
I’m Dreaming of a Right Christmas
Keep Christ in Christmas
The Birth of Jesus Christ (Luke 2:1-20)
The Message of Christmas (Luke 2:11)
The Night Before Christmas
What About Christmas?
Your Free Christmas Gift (Romans 6:23)

A DVD of Church History (A Prophetic History in the Seven Churches)
Church Attendance
Church Issues
Church Unity
Eight Reasons for Ecclesiastical Separation
Extreme Dispensationalism, the Beginning of the Church, and a Lively Debate
Going to Church
How Do You Get Ready For Church?
Keeping the Church on Target (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10)
Pentecost, Baptism and Church Membership
Should We Replace the Local Church with an Internet or TV Church?
The Need for Vision
What is an Independent Church
(Tracing the Historical Roots and Practices of the Independent Church)
What Really Happened to the Church?
(A Study of Puritanism, Classic Modernism, Neo-Liberalism, Neo-Orthodoxy, Neo-Evangelicalism, Fundamentalism & Neo-Fundamentalism In the History of the Church)
When Did the Church Begin?

What About Cloning?

An Old Commitment for a New Year

Communism (Marxism)
A Constitutional Republic, Marxism, and Biblical Submission to Authority
Cancel Culture and Christianity
Certainties During Uncertain Times
In Times Like These (Socialism and America’s Future)
When They Come To Take Away Our Guns (A Christian Response to Totalitarian Governments)

Comfortable with Compromise
Why Do Christians Leave Biblical Separation and Fundamentalism for New Evangelical Churches and Compromised Christianity?

Never Say Goodbye (The Hope of Seeing our Loved Ones Again)
The Soft Pillow of God’s Sovereignty

A Heart of Compassion

When a Man Gets Right With God (Confession, Cleansing, Consecration) - (A Study of Psalm 51)
Staying in Fellowship with God (1 John 1:9)

Conservative Christianity

A Constitutional Republic, Marxism, and Biblical Submission to Authority

Is God Using Contemporary Music?
Is Music Important? (An In-Depth Study on Music and Worship)

Contentment in Life

Marriages that Make It (Premarital Counseling Study)

The Davidic Covenant in Capsule Form

God’s Creative Wonders (A Study on the Six Days of Creation)
The Destruction of the Earth and Universe (Renovation or Recreation?)

Should a Christian be Cremated?

A Lesson on Dying (Luke 23:46; John 19:30)
A Lesson on Family Relationships (John 19:26-27)
A Lesson on Finishing Well (John 19:30)
A Lesson on Forgiveness (Luke 23:34)
A Lesson on Humanity (John 19:28)
A Lesson on Loneliness (Matthew 27:46)
A Lesson on Salvation (Luke 23:39-43)
Did Jesus Suffer Spiritual Contamination on the Cross?
On What Day Was Christ Crucified?
The Cross of Jesus Christ
The Glory of the Cross

Dear Mr. Annihilationist (Answering a Letter from an Annihilationist)
Dear Mr. Mormon (Replying to a Mormon and Exposing His False Doctrine)
Dear Mr. Jehovah's Witness (A Letter Written to a Jehovah Witness)

Cancel Culture and Christianity
Culture and the Christian Life

Current and Past Events
A Constitutional Republic, Marxism, and Biblical Submission to Authority
Blood Moons & the Bible
Cancel Culture and Christianity
Certainties During Uncertain Times
In Times Like These (Socialism and America’s Future)
Is God Judging America?
Donald Trump and King Cyrus
Doomsday Theories and the End of the World
How to Get Through a Pandemic (Isaiah 41:10)
Lessons From New Orleans
Making Sense out of the Newtown Tragedy (The Problem of Evil in the World)
Should the Pope Change the Lord's Prayer?
The 911 Attack On America
The Next Four Years (Lessons Learned Under the Obama Presidency)
What About "The Da Vinci Code?"
What about the Movie? (The Passion of the Christ - Mel Gibson)

Should a Christian Dance?

Bibliology (Doctrine of the Bible)

The Course of World History (As Outlined in Daniel and Revelation)
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel (Abbreviated Study With Power Point Charts)
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel (A More Comprehensive Study)
The Time of the End (Daniel 11:40-45)

The Davidic Covenant in Capsule Form
The Genealogical Connection of Christ to David

The Deacon and Divorce

A Lesson on Dying (Luke 23:46; John 19:30)
Never Say Goodbye (The Hope of Seeing our Loved Ones Again)
Spiritual Death, Annihilation, and the Calvinistic Corpse
Dear Mr. Annihilationist (Answering a Letter from an Annihilationist)
The Intermediate State
The Last Mile of the Way (Preparing for Death)
Near Death and Out of Body Experiences
The Second Death
The Sin Unto Death (1 John 5:16-17)

Eve In Eden
Faith is the Victory - God's Plan for Victory
(An Exhaustive Study of the Schemes of Satan and the Believer's Victory in Christ)
What in the World is the Devil Doing?
Rebuking or Resisting the Devil? (A Short Summary)
The Lies of Eden
The Suspicion of Eden

Discipleship and the Millennial Kingdom (A Motivation to Follow Christ in View of the Coming Kingdom)
Repentance, Hell, and Discipleship (A Summary of Mark 9:42-50)
Real Discipleship

Dispensationalism (God’s Plan of the Ages)
Extreme Dispensationalism, the Beginning of the Church, and a Lively Debate
God's Purpose for the Present Age (Acts 15:14-18)
The Sermon on the Mount - Is it for Today?
The Meaning and Message of Grace (The Grace Principle, New Nature, Life in the Spirit, Life in Christ)
The Mysteries of the Kingdom (Matthew 13) - Under Construction (Four Parables Completed)
The Searching Prophets (1 Peter 1:10-12)
Two Thrones and Progressive Dispensationalism (Rev. 3:21)
When Did the Church Begin?

33 Reasons Why Divorce and Remarriage Is Wrong
Does God Condone Divorce and Remarriage? (The Exception Clause in Matt. 5:32 & 19:9)
God’s Word on Divorce and Remarriage
The Deacon and Divorce
The Divorce Question
What Happens When a Christian Remarries After a Divorce?

Conquering Depression

Bibliology (Doctrine of the Bible)
Election and Free Will - Mystery or Misunderstood? (An In-Depth Study of The Doctrine of Election)
Living Free (An Examination of the Doctrine of Christian Liberty)
Secure or Insecure? (The Doctrine of Eternal Security)
The Doctrine of Repentance

Identification With Christ and Victory Over Doubting Our Salvation

How Should a Christian Dress?
Probing Proverbs into a Woman’s Life (The Indiscreet, Irritating, and  Irrational Woman)
Whatever Happened to Sunday's Best? (A Study on Reverence in God's House)

The Destruction of the Earth and Universe (Renovation or Recreation?)
When God Blows Up the Earth

Because He Lives (John 11:25-26)
In Court with the Resurrection
The Program of Resurrection (As Outlined in Scripture)
The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Resurrection and Transformation of the Human Body
What if Christ Had Not Risen From the Dead?
Why Did Christ Rise from the Dead?
Why Did Christ Rise From the Dead (Summary Outline)
Why Should We Believe in the Resurrection?

Plurality or Single Eldership?

A Summary on Election and Free Will
Election and Free Will - Mystery or Misunderstood? (An In-Depth Study of The Doctrine of Election)
Election For Dummies
Election, Foreknowledge, and Free Will
God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will (A Muscle-Bound God?)
The Errors of Reformed Theology (What Presbyterian and Reformed Churches Really Believe)
The Orbiting Planets - Election and Free Will

Never Say Goodbye (The Hope of Seeing our Loved Ones Again)
Looking Unto Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-4)
Seven Reasons to Keep Looking Up!

End Times
Last Days and End Times (Timing and Terminology)

Religious Entertainment

Journey to the Center of the Earth (Between Christ’s Death and Resurrection - Eph. 4:8)
Living in the Heavenlies (The Believe’s Position and Union with Christ)
The Heavenlies (Reflections on Union and Positional Truth)
(A More Detailed Look at our Identification with Christ and Correcting Keswick Theology)

Excuses (Luke 14:18-20)

Christ in the Tabernacle (A Comprehensive Study of the Tabernacle)
When I See the Blood (Exodus 12:13)

Eternal Security
Assurance of Salvation
Eternal Life
Eternal Security & Assurance of Salvation
(A Complete analysis of Eternal Security and the Texts Used to Promote Conditional Salvation)
Eternal Security and Assurance of Salvation (chart)
Eternal Security Through Christ (Illustrated with Pictures)
Identification With Christ and Victory Over Doubting Our Salvation
Questions for Those Who are Not Sure About Eternal Security
Secure or Insecure? (The Doctrine of Eternal Security)
The Warning Passages in Hebrews

What About Euthanasia?

12 Motivations for Evangelism
A Heart of Compassion
A Promise Without a Foundation - An Examination of Free Grace Teaching on Evangelism
Bringing in the Sheaves (Psalm 126)
How Can a Jewish Person Find Peace With God?
How to KNOW you are Going to Heaven
Leading a Soul to Salvation (A Step-by-step Study in Leading a Person to Faith in Christ)
Leading Children to Christ (Some Practical Pointers for Christian Workers)
Pragmatism & Presenting the Gospel
Repentance, Lordship Salvation, Cheap Grace, Easy Believism, Quick Believism, Easy Prayerism, Decisional Salvation and Evangelism (Defining the Terms)
Sharing the Gospel & Wrong Associations
The Desperate Need for Missions
The Gospel and Your Salvation
The Harvest
The Spiritual Battle of Evangelism
What Kind of Faith Do You Have? (A Guide for Soul Winners)

Making Sense out of the Newtown Tragedy (The Problem of Evil in the World)

Evolution - Science or Fairytale?
God’s Creative Wonders (A Study on the Six Days of Creation)
Questions About God, the Universe, and the Origin of Life

Striving for Excellence (Philippians 1:9-11)

Belief that Behaves (James 2:14-26)
Faith + Works (A Statement on James Chapter 2 and 1 John Texts)
Grace Evangelical Society and the Content of Saving Faith
The Disciple's Belief in John's Gospel
The Door of Repentance and Faith
What Kind of Faith Do You Have? (A Guide for Soul Winners)

Adam in Eden
A Lesson on Family Relationships (John 19:26-27)
Biblical Manhood
Biblical Womanhood
Bitter Spirits, Bad Attitudes, and Bossy Wives
Eve In Eden
God of Our Fathers (A Timely Study Directed to Fathers - Exodus 20:1-6)
Is a Woman Created in God’s Image?
Probing Proverbs into a Man's Life
Probing Proverbs into a Woman’s Life (The Indiscreet, Irritating, and  Irrational Woman)
Finding a Virtuous Woman (Proverbs 31)
Saving the Mothers (I Timothy 2:15)
Thanking our Fathers
The Glory of a Woman
The Loving Mother (Exposition of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
Was Male Headship and Female Submission Created by God?
When a Man Loves a Woman (Ephesians 5:25-33)

God of Our Fathers (A Timely Study Directed to Fathers - Exodus 20:1-6)
Thanking our Fathers

Conquering the Fears of Life
The Cure for Fear (Isaiah 41:10)
Don’t Be Afraid - Christmas is Here!
The Fear of God

Fellowship With God
God’s Confessional Booth (1 John 1:6-9)
Salvation, Forgiveness, and the Confession of Sins (Doctrinal Study)
Sitting at the Feet of Jesus (Finding Forgiveness and Renewal)
Spiritual Intimacy With God
Staying in Fellowship with God (1 John 1:9)
When a Man Gets Right With God - (Confession, Cleansing, Consecration) - A Study of Psalm 51

Is God a Woman? (Unmasking Feminist Theology About God)

First Corinthians
A Review of Dennis Rokser’s “Another Look at Inheriting the Kingdom”

First John
God’s Confessional Booth (1 John 1:6-9)
Seven Confirming Signs of Salvation (Understanding the First Epistle of John)
Staying in Fellowship with God (1 John 1:9)

First Thessalonians
In Everything Give Thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

A Lesson on Forgiveness (Luke 23:34)
God’s Confessional Booth (1 John 1:6-9)
Salvation, Forgiveness, and the Confession of Sins (Doctrinal Study)
Sitting at the Feet of Jesus (Finding Forgiveness and Renewal)
The Forgiveness of Sins

Free Will
A Summary on Election and Free Will
Election, Foreknowledge & Free Will
Election and Free Will - Mystery or Misunderstood? (An In-Depth Study of The Doctrine of Election)
God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will (A Muscle-Bound God?)
The Orbiting Planets - Election and Free Will

John 15 and the Removal of the Branches

Inspiration, Fundamentalism, and Your Bible
Why Do Christians Leave Biblical Separation and Fundamentalism for New Evangelical Churches and Compromised Christianity?

A Review of Dennis Rokser’s “Another Look at Inheriting the Kingdom”

What About Gambling?

Bible Gaps
The Gap Theory (Refuted in 25 Arguments)
The Ruin and Reconstruction Theory of the Earth

Adam in Eden
Did a Pre-Adamic Race Exist Before Adam?
Eve In Eden
God’s Creative Wonders (A Study on the Six Days of Creation)
The Evolution of Sin (Genesis 3:1-7)
The Gap Theory (Refuted in 25 Arguments)
The Lies of Eden
The Ruin and Reconstruction Theory of the Earth
The Suspicion of Eden
The Sons of God - What Really Happened Before the Flood?
What Is Most Important in Life? (Genesis 15:1)

Is God a Woman? (Unmasking Feminist Theology About God)
Mankind, Humankind, and Gender Neutrality

The Genealogical Connection of Christ to David

Charismatics, the Book of Acts, and Sign Gifts
Music & Spiritual Gifts
Sign Gifts
The Cessation and Disappearance of the Temporary Gifts
Your Free Christmas Gift

Grace Giving
The Grace of Giving (2 Cor. 8:1)

How Do We Know God Exists?
Is God a Woman? (Unmasking Feminist Theology About God)
The Fear of God
The Glory of God and Glorifying Him
The Goodness of God (James 1:17)

Addressing the Godhead in Prayer
Misunderstood Titles of Christ

God’s Attributes
The Glory of God and Glorifying Him
The Goodness of God (James 1:17)

God's Blessing
How to Receive God’s Blessing - A Study on Revival (2 Chronicles 7:14)

God's Care
The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)

God’s Glory
The Glory of God and Glorifying Him

God’s Goodness
The Goodness of God (James 1:17)

God's Guidance
God’s Guidance (Proverbs 3:5-6)

God's Holiness
Life’s Greatest Hour (Isaiah 6:1-8)

God’s Image
Is a Woman Created in God’s Image?

God's Purpose
God’s Purpose for Your Life (Romans 8:28-30)
God's Unfailing Purpose (Romans 8:26-30)
Prayer and the Purpose of God (With a Special Emphasis on Suffering)

God's Will
How Can I Make the Right Decision?
Tips for Knowing God's Will
What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do?

The Goodness of God (James 1:17)

Redefining the Gospel (2 Corinthians 11:4)
The Gospel and Your Salvation


A Constitutional Republic, Marxism, and Biblical Submission to Authority
The Red Line of the Government
When They Come To Take Away Our Guns (A Christian Response to Totalitarian Governments)

Grace Giving
Grace for the Race
Living Free
The Grace of Giving (2 Cor. 8:1)
The Grace of Singing (Col. 3:16)
The Meaning and Message of Grace (The Grace Principle, New Nature, Life in the Spirit, Life in Christ)

Grace Evangelical Society (Examining Free Grace Teaching)
A Promise Without a Foundation - An Examination of Free Grace Teaching on Evangelism
A Review of Dennis Rokser’s “Another Look at Inheriting the Kingdom”
Bob Wilkin on Repentance
Christians, Apostasy & Apostates (According to Free Grace Teaching, Reformed Theology, and Biblical truth)
Grace Evangelical Society and the Content of Saving Faith
Is the Free Grace Position Really Free?
Seven Confirming Signs of Salvation (Understanding the First Epistle of John)
The Door of Repentance and Faith
Will Only Faithful Believers Enter the Millennium?
(A Rebuttal of the Error of Zane Hodges, Joseph Dillow, Robert Wilken & the Grace Evangelical Society)

Graham, Billy
Billy Graham's Reward and Our Reward

Overcoming Grief

Spiritual Growth

God’s Guidance (Proverbs 3:5-6)
What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do?

God, Guns & the Bible (Refuting Pacifist Arguments)
When They Come To Take Away Our Guns (A Christian Response to Totalitarian Governments)

Did Jesus Have Long Hair?
Head Coverings & Hair Lengths

Halloween (The Devil’s Day)

Does God Want Me to Be Happy?

Head Coverings
Head Coverings & Hair Lengths
Should Christian Women Veil?

Is Healing in the Atonement?
Oil and Spiritual Healing From the Effects of Sin (James 5)
Should We Use Oil for Healing Today?
Ten Reasons Why I Don’t Anoint with Oil in Church Ministry

A Heart of Compassion
Does God Only Look at the Heart? (1 Samuel 6:17)

Can the Saints in Heaven Look Down On Us? (Hebrews 12:1 and Other Related Texts)
Questions on Heaven (A Comprehensive Study About Heaven)
Will We Recognize Each Other in Heaven? (Words of Comfort and Hope)

Can the Saints in Heaven Look Down On Us? (Hebrews 12:1 and Other Related Texts)
Looking Unto Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-4)
The Keys of Hades and Death (Revelation 1:18; Hebrews 2:14)
The Three Appearances of Christ (Hebrews 9:24-28)
The Warning Passages in Hebrews

Is There a Hell?
How Can a Loving God Send People to Hell?
Repentance, Hell, and Discipleship (A Summary of Mark 9:42-50)
The Keys of Hades and Death (Revelation 1:18; Hebrews 2:14)

Grace Evangelical Society and the Content of Saving Faith
When a Society Shuns God (Romans 1:18-32)

A DVD of Church History (A Prophetic History in the Seven Churches)
The Course of World History (As Outlined in Daniel and Revelation)
The Arab Story

Halloween (The Devil’s Day)
What About Christmas?
When Should a Christian Separate From Pagan Holidays?

Eight Reasons for Ecclesiastical Separation
Life's Greatest Hour (Isaiah 6)
Whatever Happened to Sunday's Best? (A Study on Reverence in God's House)

Holy Spirit
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit & Speaking in Tongues
(A Comprehensive Study of the Meaning of Spirit Baptism and Speaking in Tongues)

Pearls for Preaching (Practical Pointers for Preparing and Presenting Bible Sermons) 

Christians and Homosexuals (A Biblical and Compassionate Response to Same-Sex Attraction)
Homosexuality - God's Final Word! (A Brief Summary of the Wickedness of Homosexuality)
In Search For a Gay Gene
Mankind, Humankind, and Gender Neutrality
What About Same Sex Marriages? (An In-depth Study on Homosexuality)
When a Society Shuns God (Romans 1:18-32)

Never Say Goodbye (The Hope of Seeing our Loved Ones Again)
Promises and Prayers of Hope (Applying God’s Hope to Your Life)
Seven Reasons to Keep Looking Up!

Could Jesus Sin? (A Defense of the Impeccability of Christ)

Another Battle for the Bible (The Debate Over Inerrancy)

Inspiration, Fundamentalism, and Your Bible

Should We Replace the Local Church with an Internet or TV Church?

Eagles Wings (Isaiah 4:26-31)
Even the Youths Shall Faint (Isaiah 40:30) - A Message for the Present Generation of Young People
From the Manger to the Millennium (Isaiah 9:6)
How to Get Through a Pandemic (Isaiah 41:10)
Life's Greatest Hour (Isaiah 6)
The Cure for Fear (Isaiah 41:10)

God vs. Gog (Russia and the Islamic Nations in Bible Prophecy - Ezekiel 38-39)
The Arab Story

Life’s Greatest Hour (Isaiah 6:1-8)

How Can a Jewish Person Find Peace With God?
Why Should America Support Israel?

A Triple Duty (James 1:19)
Belief that Behaves (James 2:14-26)
Faith + Works (A Statement on James Chapter 2 and 1 John Texts)
Oil and Spiritual Healing From the Effects of Sin (James 5)
Ten Reasons Why I Don’t Anoint with Oil in Church Ministry

Old Paths for a New Year (Jeremiah 6:16)

Did Jesus Have Long Hair?
Did Jesus Suffer Spiritual Contamination on the Cross?
Looking Unto Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-4)
When Did Jesus Know He was God?
Who Killed Jesus?

What About Body Piercing?

How Can a Jewish Person Find Peace With God?
Why Should America Support Israel?

A Lesson on Family Relationships (John 19:26-27)
A Lesson on Finishing Well (John 19:30)
A Lesson on Humanity (John 19:28)
Because He Lives (John 11:25-26)
How Do We Worship God? (“Examining the phrase “in spirit and truth”)- John 4:23-24
John 15 and the Removal of the Branches

Praying Imprecatory Psalms (God’s Judgment) On Evildoers
The Bema and the Blessing of the New Covenant (Remembering Our Sins No More)
The Final Examination (A Study of the Judgment Seat of Christ)
The Great White Throne Judgment
Will Christians Be Judged for Their Sins at the Judgment Seat of Christ?

King James Version
King James Version English Illustration
The King James Bible versus Other Bible Translations
(A Positional Statement on the Authorized Version)
Two Rivers of Greek Manuscripts
Why I Still Use the King James Bible (In Layman’s Terms)

Last Days
Last Days and End Times (Timing and Terminology)

Christ's Fulfillment of the Law
The Meaning and Message of Grace (The Grace Principle, New Nature, Life in the Spirit, Life in Christ)

Should a Christian Observe the Lenten Liturgical Calendar

Letters and Emails
Baptizing Children and the Covenant of Grace (A Response to Reformed Preachers on the Radio)
Dear Mr. Annihilationist (Answering a Letter from an Annihilationist)
Dear Mr. Mormon (Replying to a Mormon and Exposing His False Doctrine)
Dear Mr. Jehovah's Witness (A Letter Written to a Jehovah Witness)

Living Free (An Examination of the Doctrine of Christian Liberty)
The Believer's Liberty in Christ (Summary and Picture Format)

A Lesson on Loneliness (Matthew 27:46)

How Can a Loving God Send People to Hell?
Loving His Appearing (2 Timothy 4:8)
When a Man Loves a Woman (Ephesians 5:25-33)

A Lesson From a Manger (Luke 2:11-12)
A Lesson on Dying (Luke 23:46; John 19:30)
A Lesson on Forgiveness (Luke 23:34)
A Lesson on Salvation (Luke 23:39-43)
God’s Good Will and Peace (Luke 2:13-14)
The Birth of Jesus Christ (Luke 2:1-20)
The Message of Christmas (Luke 2:11)

Luther and Lutheranism
Lutheran Sacraments and Grace
Sacraments & Salvation

Two Rivers of Greek Manuscripts

Biblical Manhood
Biblical Womanhood
Does God Condone Divorce and Remarriage? (The Exception Clause in Matt. 5:32 & 19:9)
God's Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage
God’s Word on Divorce and Remarriage
Marriages that Make It (Premarital Counseling Study)
Was Male Headship and Female Submission Created by God?
What Happens When a Christian Remarries After a Divorce?
When a Man Loves a Woman (Ephesians 5:25-33)
33 Reasons Why Divorce and Remarriage Is Wrong

24 Reasons Why Matthew 24 Does Not Refer to the Rapture
A Lesson on Loneliness (Matthew 27:46)
Becoming Like Little Children
Does God Condone Divorce and Remarriage? (The Exception Clause in Matt. 5:32 & 19:9)
The Four Soils of the Parable of the Sower Illustrated
The Sermon on the Mount - Is it for Today?
The Mysteries of the Kingdom (Matthew 13) - Under Construction (Four Parables Completed)
What Happens When a Christian Remarries After a Divorce?

Adam in Eden
Biblical Manhood
God of Our Fathers (A Timely Study  Directed to Fathers - Exodus 20:1-6)
Probing Proverbs into a Man's Life
When a Man Gets Right With God (Confession, Cleansing, Consecration) - A Study of Psalm 51
When a Man Loves a Woman (Ephesians 5:25-33)

What Does God Require? (Micah 6:8)

Right Thinking (Philippians 4:8)

Millennium (Millennial Kingdom)
Amillennialism (Replacement Theology)
Discipleship and the Millennial Kingdom (A Motivation to Follow Christ in View of the Coming Kingdom)
From the Manger to the Millennium (Isaiah 9:6)
Postmillennialism (Dominion Theology)
The Marriage and Marriage Supper of the Lamb
The Millennial Kingdom (A Study of the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ)
The Mysteries of the Kingdom (Matthew 13) - Under Construction (Four Parables Completed)
Two Thrones and Progressive Dispensationalism (Rev. 3:21)
Will Only Faithful Believers Enter the Millennium
(A Rebuttal of the Error of Zane Hodges, Joseph Dillow, Robert Wilken & the Grace Evangelical Society)
Why There Must Be a Millennium
Will the Unsaved Enter the Millennium?

The Desperate Need for Missions

How Should a Christian Dress?
Probing Proverbs into a Woman’s Life (The Indiscreet, Irritating, and  Irrational Woman)

Dear Mr. Mormon (Replying to a Mormon and Exposing His False Doctrine)
Is Glenn Beck Saved?

A Lesson on Family Relationships (John 19:26-27)
Finding a Virtuous Woman (Proverbs 31)
Saving the Mothers (I Timothy 2:15)
The Loving Mother (Exposition of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

Mount of Transfiguration
The Mount of Transfiguration, Morning Star, and the Millennium

Should a Christian Attend the Movie Theater?
What about the Movie? (The Passion of the Christ - Mel Gibson)

60 Reasons Why a Christian Should Refuse to Attend Churches that Promote Worldly Music and Worship
Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
(Some Thoughts on Corporate Worship Among the Independent Fundamental Congregations)
Fast Bible Facts Dealing with Christian Rock Music
Hillbilly & Holy Music (Random Thoughts on Christian Country Music)
How Do We Worship God? (“Examining the phrase “in spirit and truth”)- John 4:23-24
Is God Using Contemporary Music?
Is Music Important? (An In-Depth Study on Music and Worship)
Music & Spiritual Gifts
Singing Saints
Songs in the Song of Solomon
The Bondage of the Big Beat
The Grace of Singing (Col. 3:16)
The Substance and Song of Music

Election and Free Will - Mystery or Misunderstood? (An In-Depth Study of The Doctrine of Election)
The Mysteries of the Kingdom (Matthew 13) - Under Construction (Four Parables Completed)
The Mysterious Number of 666

New Evangelicalism
Is God Blessing and Using New Evangelical Christians?

New Year
A Successful New Year
An Old Commitment for a New Year
Grace for the Race
Old Paths for a New Year (Jeremiah 6:16)

Oil and Spiritual Healing From the Effects of Sin (James 5)
Should We Use Oil for Healing Today?
Ten Reasons Why I Don’t Anoint with Oil in Church Ministry

God, Guns & the Bible (Refuting Pacifist Arguments)
When They Come To Take Away Our Guns (A Christian Response to Totalitarian Governments)

How Get through a Pandemic (Isaiah 41:10)

The Four Soils of the Parable of the Sower Illustrated
The Mysteries of the Kingdom (Matthew 13) - Under Construction (Four Parables Completed)

Freedom is Never Free

A Song for the All Shook Up (Psalm 46)
Be Still and Know That I Am God (Psalm 46:10)
The Secret Place (God's Peace)
The Soft Pillow of God’s Sovereignty

The Errors of Oneness Pentecostals

It's Always Too Soon to Quit (1 Chronicles 28:20)

Is Glenn Beck Saved?

A Good Work (Philippians 1:6)
Contentment in Life
Right Thinking (Philippians 4:8)
Striving for Excellence (Philippians 1:9-11)
The Secret Place (God's Peace)

God’s Wisdom Concerning Tomorrow

Do All Religions Lead to God? (A Study on Pluralism)

Should the Pope Change the Lord's Prayer?

Position (In Christ)
Living in the Heavenlies (The Believers Position and Union with Christ)
Position, Union, and Identification With Christ (Defining the Terms)
The Heavenlies (Reflections on Union and Positional Truth)
(A More Detailed Look at our Identification with Christ and Correcting Keswick Theology)
Union and Victory
Victory Through Identification with Christ

Pragmatism & Presenting the Gospel

Addressing the Godhead in Prayer
Prayer and the Christian Life
Praying Imprecatory Psalms (God’s Judgment) On Evildoers
Promises and Prayers of Hope (Applying God’s Hope to Your Life)
Prayer and the Purpose of God (With a Special Emphasis on Suffering)
How to Get Answers to Our Prayers (1 John 5:14-15)
How to Pray for God's Saints (Numbers 6:24-26)
Should the Pope Change the Lord's Prayer?
Ten Practical Points and Prayers for Victory Over Temptation
The Power of Persistent Prayer

Pearls for Preaching (Practical Pointers for Preparing and Presenting Bible Sermons)

Prophetic Peeks into Pretribulationism
Why the Church Cannot Be Part of the Tribulation Period (Explanation of 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:1-7)

What Is Most Important in Life? (Genesis 15:1)

Promises and Prayers of Hope (Applying God’s Hope to Your Life)

24 Reasons Why Matthew 24 Does Not Refer to the Rapture
A DVD of Church History (A Prophetic History in the Seven Churches)
A Proposed Chronology of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ
America in Bible Prophecy
Amillennialism (Replacement Theology)
Are We Living in the End Times?
Babylon (Its Significant Role as a City and System in the End Times)
Bible Gaps
Crowns for Christians
Doomsday Theories and the End of the World
Egypt in Prophecy
God vs. Gog ("Russia and the Islamic Nations in Bible Prophecy"- Ezekiel 38-39)
Heads, Hills, Horns, and Harlots (A Study of Revelation 17:9-14) - With Power Point Charts
His Deadly Wound Was Healed (Revelation 13:3)
Is America the Babylon of Bible Prophecy?
Jesus Is Coming Again (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
Last Days and End Times (Timing and Terminology)
Loving His Appearing (2 Timothy 4:8)
Postmillennialism (Dominion Theology)
Problems with the Prewrath Rapture Position
Prophetic Peeks into Pretribulationism
Prophetic Time Designations
Signs of the Times
Signs, Theories, and Arguments that Destroy Imminency
The Blessed Hope
The Course of World History (As Outlined in Daniel and Revelation)
The Destruction of the Earth and Universe (Renovation or Recreation?)
The Final Examination (A Study of the Judgment Seat of Christ)
The Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy (Focusing on the End Times and Tribulation Period)
The Great White Throne Judgment
The Identity of the Antichrist
The Mysteries of the Kingdom (Matthew 13) - Under Construction (Four Parables Completed)
The Marriage and Marriage Supper of the Lamb
The Meaning of Departure in 2 Thessalonians 2:3
The Millennial Kingdom (A Study of the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ)
The Mount of Transfiguration, Morning Star, and the Millennium
The Mysterious Number of 666
The Program of Resurrection (As Outlined in Scripture)
The Rapture
The Resurrection and Transformation of the Human Body
The Second Death
The Second Coming and Reversal of the Rapture
The  Secret Coming and the Revelation of the Rapture
The Sequence of the Tribulation Judgments and Interlude Passages (As Seen in the Book of Revelation)
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel (Abbreviated Study with Charts)
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel (A More Comprehensive Study)
The Time of the End (Daniel 11:40-45)
The Timing and Teaching of Christ’s Second Coming
Two Thrones and Progressive Dispensationalism (Rev. 3:21)
When God Blows Up the Earth
Why the Church Cannot Be Part of the Tribulation Period (Explanation of 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:1-7)
Will Christians Be Judged for Their Sins at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
Who Can Be Saved After the Rapture?
Will Only Faithful Believers Enter the Millennium?
(A Rebuttal of the Error of Zane Hodges, Joseph Dillow, Robert Wilken & the Grace Evangelical Society)
Will the Unsaved Enter the Millennium?

God’s Guidance (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Probing Proverbs into a Man's Life
Probing Proverbs into a Woman’s Life (The Indiscreet, Irritating, and  Irrational Woman)

A Song for the All Shook Up (Psalm 46)
Be Still and Know That I Am God (Psalm 46:10)
Bringing in the Sheaves (Psalm 126)
How Do We Worship God? (Psalm 100)
Praying Imprecatory Psalms (God’s Judgment On Evildoers)
The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
When a Man Gets Right With God - Confession, Cleansing, Consecration
(A Study of Psalm 51)

The Sufficiency of Christ

Apostasy and Salvation (2 Peter 2:18-22)
Are You Spiritual? (Ephesians 5:18-25)
Are We Living In the End Times?
Baptizing Children and the Covenant of Grace (A Response to Reformed Preachers on the Radio)
Bible Questions For Christian Conduct & Activities
Bob Wilkin on Repentance (A critique of “A Slippery Slope: Repentance and Everlasting Life”)
British Israelism
Butchering Babies for Medical Advancement & Science
Can the Saints in Heaven Look Down On Us? (Hebrews 12:1 and Other Related Texts)
Could Jesus Sin? (A Defense of the Impeccability of Christ)
Did a Pre-Adamic Race Exist on Earth?
Did Jesus Have Long Hair?
Did Jesus Suffer Spiritual Contamination on the Cross?
Do All Religions Lead to God? (A Study on Pluralism)
Does Baptism Save Us?
Does God Only Look at the Heart? (1 Samuel 6:17)
Does God Want Me to Be Happy?
Election and Free Will - Mystery or Misunderstood? (An In-Depth Study of The Doctrine of Election)
Faith + Works (A Statement on James Chapter 2 and 1 John Texts)
Head Coverings & Hair Lengths
How Can a Jewish Person Find Peace with God?
How Can a Loving God Send People to Hell?
How Can I Make the Right Decision?
How Do We Know God Exists?
How Do We Worship God? (Psalm 100)
How Should a Christian Dress?
How to Pray for God’s Saints (Numbers 6:24-26)
Is a Woman Created in God’s Image?
Is Glenn Beck Saved?
Is God Blessing and Using New Evangelical Christians?
Is God Judging America?
Is God Using Contemporary Music
Is Healing in the Atonement?
Is Music Important? (An In-Depth Study on Music and Worship)
Is the Blood of Christ in Heaven?
Is the Free Grace Position Really Free?
Is There a Hell?
John 15 and the Removal of the Branches
Lordship Salvation (An Exhaustive Treatise of The Reformed Position of Salvation)
My Baptism Questions (Baptism Questions for New Converts)
Near Death and Out of Body Experiences
On What Day Was Christ Crucified?
Plurality or Single Eldership?
Questions about God, the Universe, and the Origins of Life
Questions for Those Who are Not Sure About Eternal Security
Questions on Heaven (A comprehensive Study on Heaven)
Rebuking or Resisting the Devil? (A Short Summary)
Should a Christian be Cremated?
Should a Christian Dance?
Should a Christian Observe the Lenten Liturgical Calendar? 
Should Christian Women Veil?
Should We Raise Our Hands During Worship?
Should We Replace the Local Church with an Internet or TV Church?
Should We Use Oil for Healing Today?
Should a Christian Attend the Movie Theater?
Should a Christian Observe the Lenten Liturgical Calendar?
The Crucifixion Question Revisited (A Synopsis of the Wednesday Crucifixion of Christ)
The Disciple's Belief in John's Gospel
The Gap Theory (Refuted in 25 Arguments)
The Glory of God and Glorifying Him
The Sermon on the Mount - Is it for Today?
The Sin Unto Death (1 John 5:16-17)
The Unpardonable Sin (Matthew 12:31-32)
The Sons of God - What Really Happened Before the Flood?
The War Question
The Warning Passages in Hebrews
Was Judas Saved?
Was Male Headship and Female Submission Created by God?
What About Body Piercing?
What About Cards?
What About Christmas?
What About Cloning?
What About Euthanasia?
What About Gambling?
What About Same Sex Marriages? (An In-depth Study on Homosexuality)
What about the Movie? (The Passion of the Christ - Mel Gibson)
What About The Da Vinci Code?
What About Tobacco?
What About UFO’s
What Does God Require? (Micah 6:8)
What Happens When a Christian Remarries After a Divorce?
What if Christ Had Not Risen From the Dead?
What in the World is the Devil Doing?
What is an Independent Church (Tracing the Historical Roots and Practices of the Independent Church)
What Is Most Important in Life? (Genesis 15:1)
What Really Happened to the Church?
(A Study of Puritanism, Classic Modernism, Neo-Liberalism, Neo-Orthodoxy, Neo-Evangelicalism, Fundamentalism & Neo-Fundamentalism In the History of the Church)
Whatever Happened to Sunday's Best? (A Study on Reverence in God's House)
What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do?
When Did Jesus Know He was God?
When Did the Church Begin?
Where Are the Nine?
Who Can Be Saved After the Rapture?
Who Killed Jesus?
Why Did Christ Rise from the Dead?
Why Did Christ Rise From the Dead? (Outline)
Why Do Christians Die if God Promises to Meet Their Basic Needs in Life?
Why Do Christians Leave Biblical Separation and Fundamentalism for New Evangelical Churches and Compromised Christianity?
Why Do God's People Backslide?
Why Do We Accept the Bible Over Other Ancient Documents?
Why Church Standards?
Why Should America Support Israel?
Why Should We Believe in the Resurrection?
Will Christians Be Judged for Their Sins at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
Will the Unsaved Enter the Millennium?
Will We Recognize Each Other in Heaven? (Words of Comfort and Hope)

24 Reasons Why Matthew 24 Does Not Refer to the Rapture
Jesus Is Coming Again (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
Loving His Appearing (2 Timothy 4:8)
Problems with the Prewrath Rapture Position
Prophetic Peeks into Pretribulationism
Signs, Theories, and Arguments that Destroy Imminency
The Rapture
The Blessed Hope
The Meaning of Departure in 2 Thessalonians 2:3
The Second Coming and Reversal of the Rapture
The Secret Coming and the Revelation of the Rapture
Who Can Be Saved After the Rapture?
Why the Church Cannot Be Part of the Tribulation Period (Explanation of 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:1-7)

It Is Finished! 

Reformed Teaching
A Summary on Election and Free Will
Amillennialism (Replacement Theology)
Election and Free Will - Mystery or Misunderstood? (An In-Depth Study of The Doctrine of Election)
Election for Dummies
Election, Foreknowledge & Free Will Perseverance, Faith, Works, and Theological Doubletalk
Lordship Salvation (An Exhaustive Treatise of The Reformed Position of Salvation)
Repentance, Lordship Salvation, Cheap Grace, Easy Believism, Quick Believism, Easy Prayerism, Decisional Salvation and Evangelism
(Defining the Terms)
The Errors of Lordship Salvation (A Detailed Look at the Errors Related to Lordship Salvation
The Errors of Reformed Theology (What Presbyterian and Reformed Churches Really Believe)

Spiritual Refreshment 

10 Ways Catholic's View Their Salvation
A Synopsis of Catholic Salvation
Dear Mr. Annihilationist (Answering a Letter from an Annihilationist)
Dear Mr. Mormon (Replying to a Mormon and Exposing His False Doctrine)
Dear Mr. Jehovah's Witness (A Letter Written to a Jehovah Witness)
Do All Religions Lead to God? (A Study on Pluralism)
Luther and Lutheranism
The Arab Story

Bob Wilkin on Repentance (A critique of “A Slippery Slope: Repentance and Everlasting Life”)
Except Ye Repent
Is the Free Grace Position Really Free?
Repentance, Hell, and Discipleship (A Summary of Mark 9:42-50)
Repentance, Lordship Salvation, Cheap Grace, Easy Believism, Quick Believism, Easy Prayerism, Decisional Salvation and Evangelism
(Defining the Terms)
The Doctrine of Repentance
The Door of Repentance and Faith

Because He Lives (John 11:25-26)
In Court with the Resurrection
The Program of Resurrection (As Outlined in Scripture)
The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Resurrection and Transformation of the Human Body
What if Christ Had Not Risen From the Dead?
Why Did Christ Rise from the Dead?
Why Did Christ Rise From the Dead (Summary Outline)
Why Should We Believe in the Resurrection?

A DVD of Church History (A Prophetic History in the Seven Churches)
Positional Overcoming From John’s Perspective (Revelation 2-3)
Heads, Hills, Horns, and Harlots (A Study of Revelation 17:9-14) - With Power Point Charts
The Keys of Hades and Death (Revelation 1:18; Hebrews 2:14)

Whatever Happened to Sunday's Best? (A Study on Reverence in God's House)

How to Have a Revival (Joel 2:12-19)
How to Receive God’s Blessing - A Study on Revival (2 Chronicles 7:14)

God’s Purpose for Your Life (Romans 8:28-30)
God's Unfailing Purpose (Romans 8:26-30)
Take a Walk On the Romans Road
When a Society Shuns God (Romans 1:18-32)

God vs. Gog (Russia and the Islamic Nations in Bible Prophecy - Ezekiel 38-39)

Luther and Lutheranism
Lutheran Sacraments and Grace
Sacraments & Salvation

A Good Work (Philippians 1:6)
A Summary on Election and Free Will
Assurance of Salvation
Election and Free Will - Mystery or Misunderstood (An In-Depth Study of The Doctrine of Election)
Eternal Life
Eternal Security & Assurance of Salvation (A Complete Analysis of Eternal Security and the Texts Used to Promote Conditional Salvation)
Eternal Security and Assurance of Salvation (chart)
Eternal Security Through Christ (Illustrated with Pictures)
Except Ye Repent
God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will (A Muscle-Bound God?)
Good People Do Not Go to Heaven
Identification With Christ and Victory Over Doubting Our Salvation
Lordship Salvation (An Exhaustive Treatise of The Reformed Position of Salvation)
Questions for Those Who are Not Sure About Eternal Security
Repentance, Lordship Salvation, Cheap Grace, Easy Believism, Quick Believism,
Easy Prayerism, Decisional Salvation and Evangelism (Defining the Terms)

Secure or Insecure? (The Doctrine of Eternal Security)
Salvation, Forgiveness, and the Confession of Sins
Seven Confirming Signs of Salvation (Understanding the First Epistle of John)
The Cross of Jesus Christ
The Debt I Never Paid (A Devotional Study of Man's Need of Salvation)
The Errors of Lordship Salvation (A Detailed Look at the Errors Related to Lordship Salvation)
The True Story of Salvation (Titus 3:3-7)
Three Tenses of Salvation
The Glory of the Cross
Take a Walk On the Romans Road
What Kind of Faith Do You Have? (A Guide for Soul Winners)
When I See the Blood (Exodus 12:13)

Second Coming
24 Reasons Why Matthew 24 Does Not Refer to the Rapture
The Second Coming and Reversal of the Rapture
The Mount of Transfiguration, Morning Star, and the Millennium
The Timing and Teaching of Christ’s Second Coming

Second Corinthians
The Simple Life (A Tribute to the Ministry of Dr. Wendell Heller)

Second Peter
Apostasy and Salvation (2 Peter 2:18-22)

Second Thessalonians
The Meaning of Departure in 2 Thessalonians 2:3

Self Defense
God, Guns & the Bible (Refuting Pacifist Arguments)
When They Come To Take Away Our Guns (A Christian Response to Totalitarian Governments)

30 Reasons Why Berean Bible Church Separates From Ecumenical Practices and Other Churches That Promote Worldly Philosophy
60 Reasons Why a Christian Should Refuse to Attend Churches that Promote Worldly Music and Worship
A Rebuttal of Anti-separatist Arguments Used to Promote Ecumenical Practices
Comfortable with Compromise
Culture and the Christian Life
Does God Only Look at the Heart? (1 Samuel 6:17)
Eight Reasons for Ecclesiastical Separation
Is Music Important? (An In-Depth Study on Music and Worship)
Is It Wrong to Expose Error?
Pragmatism & Presenting the Gospel
Religious Entertainment
Separation from Apostasy (A Quick Reference Tool)
Should a Christian Attend the Movie Theater?
The Biblical Basis for Standards
(A Detailed Look at the Issue of Legalism vs. Standards) 
What Really Happened to the Church? (A Study of Puritanism, Classic Modernism, Neo-Liberalism, Neo-Orthodoxy Neo-Evangelicalism, Fundamentalism & Neo-Fundamentalism In the History of the Church)
When Should a Christian Separate From Pagan Holidays?
Why Do Christians Leave Biblical Separation and Fundamentalism for New Evangelical Churches and Compromised Christianity?
Why Church Standards?
Wrong Associations with Men, Movements, and Ministries

Christians and Homosexuals (A Biblical and Compassionate Response to Same-Sex Attraction) God's Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage
Homosexuality - God's Final Word! (A Brief Summary of the Wickedness of Homosexuality)
In Search For a Gay Gene
Mankind, Humankind, and Gender Neutrality
What About Same Sex Marriages? (An In-depth Study on Homosexuality)

Signs of the Times
Sign Gifts

The Evolution of Sin (Genesis 3:1-7)
The Sin Unto Death (1 John 5:16-20)
The Bema and the Blessing of the New Covenant (Remembering Our Sins No More)
The Unpardonable Sin (Matthew 12:31-32)
Will Christians Be Judged for Their Sins at the Judgment Seat of Christ?

The Simple Life (A Tribute to the Ministry of Dr. Wendell Heller)

The Grace of Singing (Col. 3:16)
Singing Saints`

Song of Solomon
Songs in the Song of Solomon 

Sovereignty of God
A Summary on Election and Free Will
Be Still and Know That I Am God (Psalm 46:10)
Spiritual Death, Annihilation, and the Calvinistic Corpse
Election and Free Will - Mystery or Misunderstood (An In-Depth Study of The Doctrine of Election)
Election For Dummies
Election, Foreknowledge, and Free Will
The Orbiting Planets - Election and Free Will
The Soft Pillow of God’s Sovereignty

A Triple Duty (James 1:19)

Are You Spiritual? (Ephesians 5:18-25)
Spiritual Growth
The Carnal Man
The Natural Man
The Spiritual Man

The Biblical Basis for Standards (A Plea for Discernment)- A Detailed Look at the Issue of Legalism vs. Standards
Why Church Standards?

Eagles Wings (Isaiah 4:26-31)

Was Male Headship and Female Submission Created by God?

Overcoming Grief

Whatever Happened to Sunday's Best? (A Study on Reverence in God's House)

A Living Sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2)

Christ in the Tabernacle (A Comprehensive Study of the Tabernacle)

What About Tattoos?

Should We Replace the Local Church with an Internet or TV Church?

Adam in Eden
Eve In Eden
Faith is the Victory - God's Plan for Victory!
(An Exhaustive Study of the Schemes of Satan and the Believer's Victory in Christ)
Ten Practical Points and Prayers for Victory Over Temptation
The Evolution of Sin (Genesis 3:1-7)
The Lies of Eden
The Suspicion of Eden
What in the World is the Devil Doing?
What to Wear to War (Ephesians 6:10-18)

In Everything Give Thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
The Grace of Singing (Col. 3:16)
Where Are the Nine?

Prophetic Time Designations
The Time of the End (Daniel 11:40-45)

The True Story of Salvation (Titus 3:3-7)

What About Tobacco?

Tribulation Period
Problems with the Prewrath Rapture Position
The Sequence of the Tribulation Judgments and Interlude Passages (As Seen in the Book of Revelation)

Christ in the Tabernacle (A Comprehensive Study of the Tabernacle)

What About UFO’s

Baptism by Immersion (With Pictures)
Living in the Heavenlies (The Believers Position and Union with Christ)
Position, Union, and Identification With Christ (Defining the Terms)
The Heavenlies (Reflections on Union and Positional Truth)
(A More Detailed Look at our Identification with Christ and Correcting Keswick Theology)
Union and Victory
Victorious Christian Living (A Study Based on Romans 6) Victory Through Identification with Christ
Victory Through Identification with Christ

Church Unity

Questions About God, the Universe, and the Origin of Life

Head Coverings & Hair Lengths
Should Christian Women Veil?

Alcohol and Social Drinking (The Burden of a Mother - Proverbs 31)
Should a Christian Dance?
What About Body Piercing?
What About Cards?
What About Gambling?
What About Tattoos?
What About Tobacco?

Faith is the Victory - God's Plan for Victory
(An Exhaustive Study of the Schemes of Satan and the Believer's Victory in Christ)

God's Master Plan for Victory (A Manual for Victorious Christian Living)
God’s Plan for Victory (Outlined Points)
Law or Grace and the Believer's Rule of Life
(A Thorough Explanation of Law and Grace as Presented in the Bible)
Living in the Heavenlies (The Believe’s Position and Union with Christ)
The Heavenlies (Reflections on Union and Positional Truth)
(A More Detailed Look at our Identification with Christ and Correcting Keswick Theology)
Position, Union, and Identification With Christ (Defining the Terms)
Positional Overcoming From John’s Perspective (Revelation 2-3)
Ten Practical Points and Prayers for Victory Over Temptation
The Armor of God and Victory (A Concise Treatment)
The Christian Armor (An Exposition of Ephesians 6:10-18)
The Lies of Eden
The Spiritual Man
The Suspicion of Eden
Union and Victory 
Victorious Christian Living (A Study Based on Romans 6)
Victory Through Identification with Christ
What to Wear to War (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Virgin Birth
Comments on the Virgin Birth of Christ

The Need for Vision

The War Question
What to Wear to War (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Will of God
How Can I Make the Right Decision?
Tips for Knowing God's Will

God’s Wisdom Concerning Tomorrow

Biblical Womanhood
Bitter Spirits, Bad Attitudes and Bossy Wives
Eve In Eden
Finding a Virtuous Woman (Proverbs 31)
Is a Woman Created in God’s Image?
Probing Proverbs into a Woman’s Life (The Indiscreet, Irritating, and  Irrational Woman)
Remember Lot's Wife
Saving the Mothers (I Timothy 2:15)
Should Christian Women Veil?
The Glory of a Woman
The Loving Mother (Exposition of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
Was Male Headship and Female Submission Created by God?

Faith + Works (A Statement on James Chapter 2 and 1 John Texts)
The Errors of Lordship Salvation (A Detailed Look at the Errors Related to Lordship Salvation)

Consider the Lilies (The Cure for Anxiety - Matt. 6:24-34)

Culture and the Christian Life

Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
(Some Thoughts on Corporate Worship Among the Independent Fundamental Congregations)
How Do We Worship God? (“Examining the phrase “in spirit and truth”)- John 4:23-24
How Do We Worship God? (Psalm 100) Should We Raise Our Hands During Worship?
Sitting at the Feet of Jesus (Finding Forgiveness and Renewal)
Spiritual Intimacy With God

Even the Youths Shall Faint (Isaiah 40:30) - A Message for the Present Generation of Young People